2023 ARIA Author Showcase

Published: 9/5/2023

For several years, ARIA (Association of Rhode Island Authors) has held an event called "The Authors Showcase." This event showcases thirty Rhode Island Authors via an online interview. It is also a raffle event. Each day commenters are entered into a raffle. Simply put, if you comment on each post, you have thirty opportunities to win thirty different prizes. Generally, prizes are related to the author being showcased that day. Books, merch, etc. It doesn't just end there; on December 8th, there will be a Grand Prize Drawing. This final raffle collects all of the commenters from all 30 days and pulls three prizes -

1. $250 Amazon Gift Card

2. $100 Amazon Gift Card

3. $50 Amazon Gift Card

If you commented on all 30 days, not only will you have 30 opportunities to win a book / merch, you will also have 30 entries towards the grand prize. How awesome is that?